Bild aus dem Jahr 2003
D o3 Angel´s Brauchfeuerzeuge 1964 Hi, mein Name ist Angel!Translation:
Hi, my name is Angel !
However, no fear, I am no angel, but rather a small devil.
I like to hear music read, knit and since some time also computering.
On 05.06.1964 I glimpsed the light of the world and since 1988 I am married even.
My dearest hobby is, however : FLIRT :) With mine husband and our cat i live in Viersen. If it interests somebody, the place lies near from Duesseldorf. Most with pleasure I eat all which I do not
have to cook myself. Since 1980 I work at the German Railroads. No, I do not sell any tickets and not drive either with a train the region. I work on a control layout, that is there where the direction of the trains is determined.
Unfortunately I do not know how one operates a computer correctly either, but with private problems I always am speak.
For those which saw my foto:
I HATE Foto`s of mine !!!!
In addition I am too fat (or too small).
All further one is private.
die anderen Brauchfeuerzeuge
DocSchelm nennt sich selbst einen
arbeitenden Beamten :)
in Zeitung von kleinem Kaff
na sowas aber auch,tstststs